The Essential Laws of Explained
Key Reasons to Schedule for Bible Study
The Bible is a holy book with a history some which are proven with the aim of teaching people how to live and also proving that God is the creator of all the things that exist in the universe. The Bible is regarded to be the Word of God which means that it has the mind and will of God to His people and it is worthy for us to consider studying the Bible on a regular basis. Many people consider going for Bible study but they don’t know the key reasons for them to make sure important decisions. There are some people in life that will be there to give testimonies of what God has done in their lives and the only way for you to give such is through proper understanding of God and prayers. Hence, a better way for you is through going regularly for Bible study as it is associated with the following benefits.
There is no error in the Word of God and this means that the Word of God is infallible. You will be able to know that the law of God concerning our soul is perfect and everything written in the Bible is true and this is among the key reasons why you need to consider Bible study. Testimonies concerning the Word of God don’t have any errors and hence, the Word of God is considered to be very pure and we need to be trusting Him all the days of our lives. This is a statement that might be hard for you to believe unless you are going for Bible study where you will be able to get people to explain for you and give you some examples to illustrate the concept.
The Word of God is complete and this means that you don’t have to add any new chapters or remove some from the Bible. Everything that we need from the Word of God is already given to us. You only need the Word of God since it is Holy and very complete. For you to understand the completeness of the Word of God, it is important for you to join hands with the other people in reading and interpreting the Bible and the best place for this is Bible study. The Word of God also is considered to be totally authoritative. God is the ruler of the universe and therefore, we are supposed to be doing what His Word is telling us.
When we are going for the Bible study, we will get to know that the word of God is totally sufficient for all our needs and in case we have any need, we should only be telling God our problems and everything will be provided to us since God is the provided to everyone that He created. You are totally secured by studying the Bible as a Christian because you are able to know God’s plan in your life as a Christian and have a way through which you will be able to change not only to live well with others but also have a good relationship with God the creator.
There are promises in the Word of God which are also accomplished and it is good for you to consider Bible study so that you will be able to know more about the promises and what God has planned for His people in the earth.
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